Morel Doucet
art | video | statement | bio |resume
mixed media | sculpture

Let it Begin (Clock Work), 2015
Ceramic, Wood & Synthetic Flora and Fauna
25 inches in diameter

Exonerated - A drink and a sonnet to the
last Barrier Reef, 2017
Porcelain ceramic with cast-altered forms, cone 6 glazed

Black Death - Crown of thorns, 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms and hand built
14 1/2h x 6w x 6 1/2d in

Conversations with My Mirror (black liberation), 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms.
14.5" x 6" x 6.5"

Regal Black Madonna (black is black, black is
motherhood), 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms
12h x 12w x 6 1/2d in

Fall from grace (beautiful absence), 2019
Slipped cast porcelain ceramic, hand build & altered forms
10h x 6w x 3 1/2d in

The Ocean Dances Over Sun Buttered Mountains, 2019
Porclean Ceramics & Slip Cast
8 ft x 4 ft

The Death of Venus (A New Republic), 2019
Slipped cast porcelain ceramic
12h x 12w x 7 1/2d in

Clock Work (Let it Begin), 2015
Ceramic, Wood & Synthetic Flora and Fauna
120h x 120w in

“Rebirth” (White Noise – Reprise), 2017
Porcelain ceramic, hand build & cast-altered forms
15h x 15w in

When they stay in the sun their shadows
grow with regrets (set of 3), 2019
Porcelain ceramics, slip cast and hand altered forms

Dancing with faith, thieves bloom in two
shades of cream, 2019
Slipped cast porcelain ceramic, hand build & altered forms
12h x 12w x 7d in

Black Madonna (black is thicker than
blood), 2019
Slipped cast porcelain ceramic, hand build & altered forms
12h x 12w x 6 1/2d in

Skin congregate on the eve of every mountain, 2019
Slip-cast porcelain ceramics
(Dimensions variable depending on configuration)

Tea with the Queen (Reparations), 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms and hand built
14” x 7” x 7”

White Noise, Let the choir sing a magnified
silence (25 Affirmations), 2017
Slipped Cast Porcelain, Hand Build & Altered Forms
60h x 60w in

Skin Morph Eulogies as Broken Promise, 2019
Porcelain ceramics, slip cast and hand altered forms
20’’ – 22” Diameter

The Death of Venus (We gon' be alright), 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms.
12" x 12" x 6.5"

Gardenias, 2019
Medium: Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms.
Dimensions: 10” X 12” x 15”

Conversations with My Mirror (Three Kings), 2019
Porcelain ceramic with cast altered forms.
14.5" x 6" x 6.5" each

Things Fall Apart (PohLeasing), 2019
Ceramic, Wood & Synthetic Flora and Fauna
7” x 2.5” x 8 3/4”

Flourish, 2015
Ceramic & Wood
25 inches in Diameter

Pink Manifesto, 2016
Ceramic & Wood
20 inches in Diameter

False Memories, 2016
Ceramic & Wood
20 inches in Diameter

White Melanin (Powder Sugar Frost), 2015
Ceramic, Wood & Synthetic Flora and Fauna
25 inches in Diameter

Submerge, 2015
Ceramic, Wood & Synthetic Flora and Fauna
22 inches in Diameter